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Boris Guest
Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:03 pm Post subject: Omega-3 |
"Dyslexia, ADHD, dyspraxia and other neurological problems seem to be
associated with a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids, especially in the womb.
The evidence of a link with depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and dementia
is less clear, but still suggestive. None of these conditions are caused
exclusively by a lack of these chemicals, or can be entirely remedied by
their application, but it's becoming pretty obvious that some of our most
persistent modern diseases are, at least in part, diseases of deficiency."
Eat fish and live: Not Enough Fish in the Sea |
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Gloria Guest
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:19 pm Post subject: |
Triggering Your Body to Burn Fat
"In 30 minutes of moving around, you might burn 150 to 300 calories. But,
theoretically, it takes burning around 3,500 calories to lose one pound of
fat. So, you’re going to have to do enough workouts, at say 150 calories
burned per session, to add up to 3,500 calories, or 17,500 calories for five
pounds of fat, and so on." |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 Posts: 3524 Location: Zagreb
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:12 pm Post subject: Diet |
Passionate: The strangest, easiest way to lose weight
"In the middle of that two hour window, you must ingest one of two
things... either a tablespoon of sugar dissolved in water, or a tablespoon of
extra light olive oil." |
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Joined: 09 Jul 2006 Posts: 18 Location: Zagreb
Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2006 5:00 pm Post subject: |
At Wikipedia: Omega-3 fatty acid
"Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids found in oil from
oily fish and vegetable sources such as the seeds of chia, perilla, flax,
walnuts, purslane, lingonberry, seabuckthorn, and hemp. Omega-3 fatty
acids can also be found in the fruit of the acai palm. Omega-3 fatty acids
are classified as essential because they cannot be synthesized in the
body; they must be obtained from food."
Omega-3 Info Service: FAQ
"Is there a high, or even not so high, concentration of omega-3 in
regular tuna? I've heard albacore tuna has a lot. I eat tuna sandwiches
every day, but I'm not sure that they're albacore tuna. Does it make a
Fresh and frozen tuna are excellent sources of long chain omega-3
polyunsaturates, supplying around 5% total oil of which 20% is omega-3.
However, during the canning process, most of the oil and therefore most
of the omega-3 is lost. This is mainly because tuna is cooked before it is
canned, and during the cooking process much of the oil is separated and
lost. The meat that goes in the tin thus has a low oil content (usually less
than 1g per 100g) and a low omega-3 content (usually less than 0.4g per
100g). It matters little whether the tuna is albacore or yellowfin because
once it is canned there is little omega-3 left. Some tuna packers do can
raw tuna so that the omega-3 content is higher, but it is usually difficult to
distinguish such products from the others in the marketplace. Enquire of
the producer to be certain. These comments only apply to tuna. Other
canned fish are just as good as the raw fish as sources of long chain
omega-3 polyunsaturates." |
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Ike Kapetan
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 3167 Location: Europe
Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 6:32 pm Post subject: |
18 Tricks to Teach Your Body
"Too much Chipwich too fast will freeze the brains of lesser men. As for
you, press your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as
much as you can. "Since the nerves in the roof of your mouth get
extremely cold, your body thinks your brain is freezing, too," says
Abo. "In compensating, it overheats, causing an ice-cream headache."
The more pressure you apply to the roof of your mouth, the faster your
headache will subside."
"Poor distance vision is rarely caused by genetics, says Anne Barber, O.D.,
an optometrist in Tacoma, Washington. 'It's usually caused by near-point
stress.' In other words, staring at your computer screen for too long. So
flex your way to 20/20 vision. Every few hours during the day, close your
eyes, tense your body, take a deep breath, and, after a few seconds,
release your breath and muscles at the same time. Tightening and
releasing muscles such as the biceps and glutes can trick involuntary
muscles—like the eyes—into relaxing as well." |
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Marko Guest
Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:17 pm Post subject: |
Live smarter & you can live older
"There’s a saying that genetics load the gun, but it’s the environment
that pulls the trigger,” says Dr. David Fein, medical director at the
Princeton Longevity Center, a clinic in Princeton, N.J., which focuses on
quality of life and prolonging it. “You can have the gene for a certain
disease, but it doesn’t mean you’re going to get it." |
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Ike Kapetan
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 3167 Location: Europe
Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:12 pm Post subject: |
Tea 'healthier' drink than water
"Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as
drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say
researchers." |
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Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 4:58 pm Post subject: |
Bye-bye BMI? Tape may measure obesity better,
Researchers say waist-to-hip ratio may paint better picture of fitness
"Fat stored in the belly "is the most dangerous type of fat in our bodies,"
explains Dr. William Castelli, director of the Framingham Cardiovascular
The waist-to-hip measurement is likely to catch people at risk for fat-related
diseases who might otherwise think they were at a healthy weight, based on
their BMI scores." |
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Ike Kapetan
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 3167 Location: Europe
Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:16 pm Post subject: |
Exercise = Weight Loss, Except When It Doesn’t
"When you diet without exercising, you lose both muscle and fat, which is
counterproductive because muscle loss significantly lowers your basic
metabolic rate, the number of calories your body uses at rest."
"Weight-bearing activities that work against gravity — aerobic activities like
walking, running, cross-country skiing, dancing, skating and stair-climbing
— use proportionately more calories at a given level of effort than swimming,
cycling or water aerobics."
"In other words, you may lose fewer pounds than if you expended the
same number of calories on an aerobic activity like brisk walking or
swimming, but you will be stronger and better toned. With greater muscle
mass, your basic metabolic rate will rise and you will burn more calories
all day and night. And since muscle holds less water and takes up less
room than the equivalent weight of fat, by shedding fat and gaining
muscle you can lose inches and sizes without losing actual pounds on
the scale." |
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Ike Kapetan
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 3167 Location: Europe
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:07 pm Post subject: |
Study Provides Insight Into How the Brain Loses Plasticity of Youth
"Plasticity, the ability of functional brain circuits to change in response
to experience-dependent neuronal activity, is largely restricted to critical
periods of development. In their classic Nobel-prize winning experiments,
David Hubel and Torsten Weisel showed that visual areas of the brain are
responsive to environmental cues during a discrete period early in life,
after which they do not change." |
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Joker Guest
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:37 pm Post subject: |
Vitamin D 'slashes cancer risk'
Vitamin D was examined as it previously showed promise in cutting
the risk of prostate, breast and colon cancer. Except for smoking, no
environmental factors or dietary factors have been linked to the
pancreatic cancer.
Lead researcher Dr Hal Skinner said: "There is a growing body of
information indicating that achieving higher levels of vitamin D through
supplements, diet or prudent sun exposure may provide a range health
benefits by preventing common chronic diseases." |
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XNote Kapetan
Joined: 16 Jun 2006 Posts: 537
Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:20 pm Post subject: |
Bitter consequences
"The upshot of all this is that the complaints of children (and, indeed, of
many adults) that green vegetables are horrid contains a lot of truth.
There is no doubt that such vegetables are good for you. But they are not
unequivocally good. As is often observed in other contexts, there is no
free lunch." |
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Ike Kapetan
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 3167 Location: Europe
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:24 pm Post subject: |
Eight Reasons To Have Good Posture
"Yet looks aren't the best reason to improve your posture. Health is.
What begins as merely an unsightly stance or carriage can lead to
authentic health problems if not corrected." |
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Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:41 pm Post subject: |
Comments to the food related post on Raymond Chen's Blog
Europe vs America! |
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XNote Kapetan
Joined: 16 Jun 2006 Posts: 537
Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 12:26 am Post subject: |
TV Really Might Cause Autism
"Cornell University researchers are reporting what appears to be a
statistically significant relationship between autism rates and television
watching by children under the age of 3. The researchers studied autism
incidence in California, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington state.
They found that as cable television became common in California and
Pennsylvania beginning around 1980, childhood autism rose more in the
counties that had cable than in the counties that did not." |
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XNote Kapetan
Joined: 16 Jun 2006 Posts: 537
Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:20 am Post subject: |
Slashdot: Calorie Burning Coke Coming Soon
"Coca-Cola and Nestle are getting together to introduce a new beverage
'proven to burn calories'. Enviga will be in the U.S. Northeast in November,
nationwide in January 2007." |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 Posts: 3524 Location: Zagreb
Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:47 pm Post subject: |
JoS: Food: What do developers (Europe, elsewhere) eat?
Paleo diet!?
"Main premise: the genus Homo has been around for approximately two
million years (100,000 generations) and has evolved/adapted/been
selected for a certain diet. Neolithic foods, such as grains, dairy, and
legumes have only been around for 10,000 years (500 generations).
Thus, our bodies aren't really adapted to eating that stuff. Moreover, it's
precisely those foods that cause us to have all these bad diseases, such
as cancer, etc." |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 Posts: 3524 Location: Zagreb
Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:26 pm Post subject: |
Slashdot: Oceans Empty By 2048?
"Already, 29% of edible fish and seafood species have declined by 90% — a drop
that means the collapse of these fisheries. But the issue isn't just having seafood
on our plates. Ocean species filter toxins from the water. They protect shorelines.
And they reduce the risks of algae blooms such as the red tide. 'A large and increasing
proportion of our population lives close to the coast; thus the loss of services such
as flood control and waste detoxification can have disastrous consequences,'
Worm and colleagues say." |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 Posts: 3524 Location: Zagreb
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 1:19 pm Post subject: |
LA Muscle: Magnesium - Just what you need?
"I especially would recommend it to:
* Those who take diuretics or too much tea, coffee, caffeine
* Those undergoing cancer chemotherapy
* Those taking digitalis drugs
* Those taking antibiotics
* Heavy drinkers
* Those who have had a heart attack or have a history
* Those who have kidney problems
* Diabetics" |
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XNote Kapetan
Joined: 16 Jun 2006 Posts: 537
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:19 am Post subject: |
NY Times: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
"That, more or less, is the short answer to the supposedly incredibly
complicated and confusing question of what we humans should eat in
order to be maximally healthy." |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 Posts: 3524 Location: Zagreb
Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 1:28 am Post subject: |
What Do 300 Calorie Meals Look Like?
"Here is a selection of meals that are in the 300-400 calorie range. The visual
representation gives an idea of portion size." |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 Posts: 3524 Location: Zagreb
Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:50 pm Post subject: |
Slashdot: Vitamin D Deficiency Behind Many Western Cancers?
"If further study bears out the findings, new research into the causative agents
behind disease and cancer may have a drastic impact on the health of citizens
in Canada and the US. According to a four-year clinical trial, there's a direct
link between cancer and Vitamin D deficiency." |
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Ike Kapetan
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 3167 Location: Europe
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 4:04 pm Post subject: |
WebMD: Your Guide to Never Feeling Tired Again
"Why is it that filling up on pasta or Chinese food for lunch leaves us snacky
and sleepy an hour later? Or that falling short on fluids makes us forgetful and
foggy? Fact is, eating habits play a powerful role in how well we function on
every level. Below, six top fatigue-fighting nutrition strategies to chew on." |
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XNote Kapetan
Joined: 16 Jun 2006 Posts: 537
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2007 9:20 pm Post subject: |
Healthy Living Blog: ... help reduce risk of Prostate Cancer
"Men who eat just one serving of salmon per week reduce their risk of
developing prostate cancer by 43 percent, compared to men who do
not consume fish, according to new research published in the online
edition of the International Journal of Cancer." |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 Posts: 3524 Location: Zagreb
Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2007 11:21 am Post subject: |
HLB: 8 Foods You Should Eat Every Day
"Spinach, Yogurt, Tomatoes, Carrots, Blueberries, Black Beans, Walnuts, Oats"
I know I hate spinach! Other things are OK. |
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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 Posts: 3524 Location: Zagreb
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Ike Kapetan
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 3167 Location: Europe
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Joined: 14 Jun 2006 Posts: 3524 Location: Zagreb
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:41 pm Post subject: |
webMD - Hawthorn
"Before taking hawthorn, talk with your healthcare professional if you take any
medications. It has major interactions with several prescription medications.
Hawthorn also seems to have blood pressure-lowering activity, according to
early research. It seems to cause relaxing of the blood vessels farther from
the heart. It seems that this effect is due to a component in hawthorn called
Ginger - Can interfere with the clotting of your blood. Can interfere with how
heart or high blood pressure medications work.
Hawthorn - Do not take if you are taking digoxin and blood pressure
medications |
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Ike Kapetan
Joined: 17 Jun 2006 Posts: 3167 Location: Europe
Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:25 am Post subject: |
Y! - Many popular fish oil supplements are rancid, tests show. Here's how to protect yourself
"Keatley agrees. "Consuming rancid or oxidized fish oil supplements may not
provide the intended health benefits. In fact, it may lead to digestive
discomfort, such as burping, indigestion or diarrhea, she says. Over time, the
consumption of oxidized fats may contribute to cellular damage and
inflammation." |
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